Mitsubishi Electronics home theater screen HC7900DW Manual

PDF Manuals
55 Pages English

Mitsubishi Electronics home theater screen HC7900DW
No image appears on the screen. (continued)
Problem Solution
The screen for
entering the password
• PASSWORDFUNCTIONintheFEATUREmenuhasbeensettoDISPLAYINPUTto
enable the password lock.
Enter the password or contact the person in charge of management of the
projector. (See page 41.)
• Turn on the power of the connected device, or check whether there is something
wrong with the connected device.
• Checkwhethertheexternaldeviceoutputsignals.(Checkthisespeciallywhenthe
external device is a notebook computer.)
• Checkthatthecableconnectedtotheexternaldeviceisn’tdefective.
• Checkthattheprojectorisconnectedtotheexternaldeviceusingthecorrect
• Checkthattheconnecteddeviceiscorrectlyselectedastheinputsource.
• Whenanextensioncordisbeingused,replaceitwiththesuppliedcableandcheck
whether images are projected correctly. If images are projected correctly, use an RGB
signal amplifier along with the extension cord.
Images may be jagged
when connecting the
projector using the
HDMI cable.
displayed when
connecting the
projector using the
HDMI cable.
• Make sure if the cable is firmly plugged into the connecting terminal.
• Toacceptanddisplay1080psignalsonthescreen,makesuretouseahigh-speed
HDMI cable that can transmit 1080p signals.
• WhenadistributororanAVamplierisconnectedusinganHDMIcable,checkthat
the distributor or the AV amplifier complies with HDMI1.3 or higher (Deep Color).
When displaying 3D images, check that the distributor or the AV amplifier complies
with HDMI1.4 or higher (3D display).
Images are not displayed correctly.
Problem Solution
Projected images are
Projected images are
• Checkthatthecableconnectedtotheexternaldeviceisn’tintermittent.
• Connectthecable’splugwiththeexternaldevice’sconnectorrmly.
• PresstheAUTOPOSITIONbutton.
• Somecomputersoutputout-of-specsignalsonrareoccasion.AdjusttheSIGNAL
menu. (See page 40.)
Projected images are
• Adjust the projector and the screen so that they are perpendicular to each other. (See
page 10.)
Projected images are
• AdjustBRIGHTNESSandCONTRASTintheIMAGEmenu.(Seepage36.)
• Replacethelamp.(Seepage42.)
Projected images are
• Adjustthefocus.(Seepages18and23.)
• Cleanthelens.
• Pressthet or u button on the remote control to eliminate flicker.
• AdjustTRACKINGandFINESYNC.intheSIGNALmenu.(Seepage40.)
• SetOVERSCANintheSIGNALmenuto100%.(Seepage34.)
• SetKEYSTONEintheINSTALLATIONmenuto0.(Seepage32.)
• AdjustBRIGHTNESSandCONTRASTintheIMAGEmenu.(Seepage36.)
• Adjusttheprojectorandthescreensothattheyareperpendiculartoeachother.(See
page 10.)
White dots are seen
on projected images.
Black dots are seen
on projected images.
• ThissymptomisnormalforaDLP™projectorandisnotamalfunction.(Averysmall
number of pixels may stay lit or out, but such symptom is not a malfunction. Pixels of
Rainbow effect is seen
on projected images.
• ThisisduetocolorbreakingnoisethatoccursinaDLP™systemandisnota
Troubleshooting (continued)
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